Does milk help with heartburn

Dairy products contain substances that help to eliminate many symptoms of diseases of the digestive system, including heartburn. This article will tell you more about the peculiarities of consuming milk for such manifestations of dyspepsia. Does milk help with heartburn? Let’s try to understand this question in more detail.

Causes of burning in the throat

With dyspeptic manifestations can face almost everyone. So, the sensation of “burning” behind the chest can appear even in a healthy person after an abundant meal or the consumption of certain foods. Heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation in the throat or in the upper half of the chest. According to statistics, this unpleasant symptom occasionally occurs in 25-50% of the population of our planet. Scientists have noted that this unpleasant symptom is more often experienced by residents of European countries, heartburn can bother both men and women.

Typically, the provocateur products of this unpleasant symptom are acidic fruits and vegetables. Organic acids they contain contribute to changes in the pH of gastric juice, which leads to the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. Increased production of gastric secretion can lead not only to the development of heartburn, but also to other uncomfortable clinical manifestations of dyspepsia.

Does milk help?

Dairy products contain many active health-promoting ingredients. Milk is a must-have in adult and children’s diets. The nutrients it contains help to provide energy to the body quickly and give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Milk helps against heartburn. The components contained in the milk product have an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and also help to reduce its acidity, which leads to a reduction of a burning sensation in the throat. It should be noted that only fresh milk will help against heartburn.

You should drink it in small quantities. So, to eliminate a burning sensation in the throat, it is enough to drink just half a glass of milk drink in small sips. It is better to consume milk without adding other ingredients. Milk removes not only heartburn, but also other unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia, which often appear in people suffering from chronic stomach diseases. For example, consumption of the milk product can help reduce pain in the upper abdomen in people suffering from hyperacidic gastritis.

Can milk provoke heartburn?

In some people, dairy products can provoke heartburn. This unfavorable symptom can appear after drinking low-quality milk. Also, burning in the throat after consuming dairy products can also appear due to the presence of some chronic diseases. Thus, the unpleasant symptom may appear in people who suffer from its individual intolerance. In such a situation, in addition to heartburn, a person may experience abdominal bloating or pain.